
程序员咋不秃头 2024-08-25 01:28:34



Minizip是一个基于zlib的压缩库,它提供了丰富的API来支持多种压缩格式,包括ZIP、GZIP等。Minizip以其简洁的接口、高效的压缩算法和广泛的兼容性而受到开发者的青睐。无论是在Windows、Linux还是Mac OS等操作系统上,Minizip都能表现出色。







sudo apt-get install libminizip-dev


#include #include #include #include // 压缩文件函数bool compressFile(const std::string& sourceFile, const std::string& zipFile) { zipFile_t zipfile = zipOpen(zipFile.c_str(), APPEND_STATUS_CREATE); if (!zipfile) { std::cerr << "Failed to create zip file: " << zipFile << std::endl; return false; } zip_fileinfo zi; memset(&zi, 0, sizeof(zip_fileinfo)); if (zipOpenNewFileInZip(zipfile, sourceFile.c_str(), &zi, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) != ZIP_OK) { std::cerr << "Failed to open file in zip: " << sourceFile << std::endl; zipClose(zipfile, NULL); return false; } FILE* fin = fopen(sourceFile.c_str(), "rb"); if (!fin) { std::cerr << "Failed to open source file: " << sourceFile << std::endl; zipCloseFileInZip(zipfile); zipClose(zipfile, NULL); return false; } char buffer[4096]; int len; while ((len = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fin)) > 0) { if (zipWriteInFileInZip(zipfile, buffer, len) != ZIP_OK) { std::cerr << "Failed to write to zip file" << std::endl; fclose(fin); zipCloseFileInZip(zipfile); zipClose(zipfile, NULL); return false; } } fclose(fin); zipCloseFileInZip(zipfile); zipClose(zipfile, NULL); return true;}// 解压文件函数bool extractFile(const std::string& zipFile, const std::string& extractDir) { unzFile uf = unzOpen(zipFile.c_str()); if (!uf) { std::cerr << "Failed to open zip file: " << zipFile << std::endl; return false; } unz_global_info gi; if (unzGetGlobalInfo(uf, &gi) != UNZ_OK) { std::cerr << "Failed to get global info from zip file" << std::endl; unzClose(uf); return false; } char filename[256]; for (uLong i = 0; i < gi.number_entry; ++i) { if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo(uf, &filename[0], sizeof(filename), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL) != UNZ_OK) { std::cerr << "Failed to get current file info" << std::endl; unzClose(uf); return false; } const std::string fullPath = extractDir + "/" + filename; if (unzOpenCurrentFile(uf) != UNZ_OK) { std::cerr << "Failed to open current file in zip" << std::endl; unzClose(uf); return false; } FILE* fout = fopen(fullPath.c_str(), "wb"); if (!fout) { std::cerr << "Failed to create extract file: " << fullPath << std::endl; unzCloseCurrentFile(uf); unzClose(uf); return false; } char buffer[4096]; int len; while ((len = unzReadCurrentFile(uf, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { if (fwrite(buffer, len, 1, fout) != 1) { std::cerr << "Failed to write to extract file" << std::endl; fclose(fout); unzCloseCurrentFile(uf); unzClose(uf); return false; } } fclose(fout); unzCloseCurrentFile(uf); if ((i + 1) < gi.number_entry) { if (unzGoToNextFile(uf) != UNZ_OK) { std::cerr << "Failed to go to next file in zip" << std::endl; unzClose(uf); return false; } } } unzClose(uf); return true;}int main() { std::string sourceFile = "example.txt"; std::string zipFile = ""; std::string extractDir = "extracted"; // 压缩文件 if (compressFile(sourceFile, zipFile)) { std::cout << "File compressed successfully: " << zipFile << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Failed to compress file" << std::endl; return 1; } // 解压文件 if (extractFile(zipFile, extractDir)) { std::cout << "File extracted successfully to: " << extractDir << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Failed to extract file" << std::endl; return 1; } return 0;}




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