
鳄梨说动漫 2024-04-29 11:30:12

Q版迷你小超级无敌赛亚人,手里握着一团大闪电,闪闪发光的大眼睛。他的头发是纯白色,肌肉发达,身穿超大黑色羽绒服和国产运动鞋,超酷超帅。喷枪艺术呈现的乙烯基人物,配合360全景和闪闪发光的大眼睛,呈现地球朋克风格的黑色恐怖背景。光线跟踪的亮度照明烘托出荧光闪电球和全身肌肉线条的完美呈现,展现了迪斯尼风格的夸张表情和比例合适的手指。高清的画质,结合了vray跟踪风格和niji 5,让这位酷又帅又有趣的小超级无敌赛亚人,以最佳质量闪耀在我们的视野中。

Q version of the mini super invincible Saiyan, holding a ball of lightning in his hand, sparkling eyes. His hair is pure white, muscular, wearing an oversized black down jacket and domestic sports shoes, which is super cool and handsome. The vinyl figures presented by the airbrush art, with 360 panoramic views and sparkling big eyes, present the black horror background of the earth punk style. The brightness illumination of ray tracing sets off the perfect presentation of fluorescent lightning balls and whole body muscle lines, showing Disney-style exaggerated expressions and fingers with appropriate proportions. High-definition image quality, combined with vray tracking style and niji 5, makes this cool, handsome and interesting little super invincible Saiyan shine in our field of vision with the best quality.

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