
英辑学术科研 2024-08-05 14:48:51





1. There is a considerable / vast amount of literature on …

2. In the literature there are many / several / a surprising number of / few examples of …

3. What we know / is known about X is largely based on …

4. Much / Not much / Very little is known about …

5. Many / Few studies have been published on … [Ref]

6. Various approaches have been proposed / put forward / suggested / hypothesized to solve this issue [Ref].

7. X has been identified / indicated as being … [Ref]

8. X has been shown / demonstrated / proved / found to be … [Ref]

9. X has been widely investigated / studied / addressed … [Ref]

10. Xs have been receiving / gaining much attention due to …

11. In the traditional /ical approach, X is used to …

12. In recent years there has been considerable / growing interest in … [Ref]

13. A growing body of literature has examined / investigated / studied / analyzed / evaluated … [Ref]

14. Much work on the potential of X has been carried out [Ref], yet / however there are still some critical issues … [Ref]



1. Experiments on X were conducted / carried out / performed on X in 2009 by a group of researchers from …

2. In a major advance in 2010, Berlusconi et al. surveyed / interviewed …

3. Jeffries and co-workers [2011] measured / calculated / estimated …

4. In the authors investigated / studied / analyzed …

5. A recent review of the literature on this topic / subject / matter / area [2012] found that …

6. A number / An increasing number of studies have found that …

7. Since 2011 / In the last few years, much more information on X has become available …

8. Several studies, for example / instance, and, have been carried out / conducted / performed on X.

9. More recent evidence [Obama, 2013] shows / suggests / highlights / reveals / proposes that …

10. It has now been suggested / hypothesized / proposed / shown / demonstrated that … [Cosimo 2010]

11. Many attempts have been made [Kim 2009, Li 2010, Hai 2011] in order to / with the purpose of / aimed at …



1. In her analysis / review / overview / critique of X, Bertram questions the need for …

2. In his introduction to / seminal article on / investigation into X, Schneider shows that …

3. Dee developed / reported on a new method for X and concluded that …

4. Southern’s group calls into question some past assumptions / hypotheses / theories about X.

5. Burgess , an authority on X, notes / mentions / highlights / states / affirms that …

6. She questions / wonders / considers / investigates whether [or not] X can …

7. He traces the advances in / development of / history of / evolution of X

8. They draw our attention to / focus on X.

9. They make / draw a distinction between …

10. He claims / argues / maintains / suggests / points out / underlines that …

11. She concludes / comes to the conclusion / reaches the conclusion that …

12. She lists / outlines / describes / provides several reasons for …

13. Her theory / solution / proposal / method / approach is based on …



1. Research has tended to focus on X rather than Y. An additional problem is that / Moreover X is …

2. The main limitation / downside / disadvantage / pitfall / shortfall of X is …

3. One of the major drawbacks to adopting / using / exploiting this system is …

4. This is something of a pitfall / disadvantage …

5. A well-known / major / serious criticism of X is …

6. A key problem with much of the literature on / regarding / in relation to

7. X is that … This raises many questions about / as to / regarding whether X should be used for …

8. One question / issue that needs to be asked / raised is …

9. Unfortunately, it does not / fails to / neglects to explain why …

10. This method suffers from a number / series / plethora of pitfalls.

11. There is still considerable ambiguity / disagreement / uncertainty with regard to …

12. Many experts contend, however / instead / on the other hand, that this evidence is not conclusive.

13. A related hypothesis holds / maintains that X is equal to Y, suggesting / indicating that …

14. Other observations indicate / would seem to suggest that this explanation is insufficient …



1. Peng claimed / contended that X is … but she failed to provide adequate proof of this finding. Peng’s findings do not seem / appear to support his conclusions.

2. This has led authors such as / for example / for instance Mithran , Yasmin and Hai to investigate ..

3. The shortcomings / pitfalls / flaws of their method have been clearly recognized. A serious weakness / limitation / drawback with this argument, however, is that … Their approach is not well suited to / appropriate for / suitable for …

4. The main weakness in their study is that they make no attempt to … / offer no explanation for … / they overlook …

5. Their experiments were marred / flawed / undermined by X.

6. X is the major flaw in / drawback to / disadvantage of their experiments.

7. The major defect in their experiments is that they entail tedious / repetitive / time-consuming / laborious / labor-intensive calculations with regard to …

8. Such an unreasonable / unjustified / inappropriate / unsuitable / misleading assumption can lead to

9. serious / grave consequences with regard to …

10. Their claims seem to be somewhat exaggerated / inaccurate / unreliable / speculative / superficial … In our view, their findings are only conjectures / speculations based on unjustified / implausible / unsatisfactory / ambivalent / unsubstantiated assumptions.

11. Their paper / work / study / research / approach / findings / results might have been more interesting/ innovative / useful / convincing / persuasive if …

12. Their attempts to do X are cumbersome / unnecessarily complicated / financially unfeasible … Their explanations are superficial / impenetrable / doubtful / confusing / misleading / irrelevant … Another / An additional weakness is …

13. An even greater source of concern / issue / problem is …



1. As mentioned by Burgess [2011], Henri’s argument / approach / reasoning relies too heavily on …

2. As others have highlighted, Ozil’s approach raises many doubts / is questionable …

3. Several authors / experts / researchers / analysts have expressed doubts about / called into question / challenged Guyot on the grounds that …..

4. Marchesi [2010] has already noted an inconsistency with Hahn’s claim / methodology / method / results / approach …

5. Friedrich’s approach [2013] has not escaped criticism / been subjected to much criticism and has been strongly / vigorously challenged …

6. Many experts now contend / believe / argue that rather than using Pappov’s approach it might be more useful to …

7. Their analysis has not found / met with / received general acceptance …

8. Some recent criticisms of / critical comments on Kim’s work are summarized in .

9. The most well-known critic of Sadie’s findings is … who argued / proposed / suggested that an alternative explanation might be that / could be found in …



1. The set up we used can be found / is reported / is detailed in [Ref].

2. Our experimental set up bears a close resemblance to / is reminiscent of / is based on / is a variation on / was inspired by / owes a lot to / is more or less identical to / is practically the same as the one proposed by Smith [2014].

3. We used a variation of Smith’s procedure. In fact / Specifically, in our procedure we …

4. Our steps proceed very much in the same way as / follow what is indicated in [Ref].

5. First, … The procedure used is as described / explained / reported / proposed by Sakamoto [2013].

6. The method is in line with a variation of / essentially the same as that used by Kirk [2009] with some changes / modifications / alterations / adjustments.

7. We refined / altered / adapted / modified / revised the method used / reported / suggested / explained/ proposed / put forward by Bing [2012].

8. Our technique was loosely / partially / partly / to some extent based on …

9. More details can be found / are given in our previous paper.

10. This component is fully compliant with international norms / regulations / standards.

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