
国礼文化时代典藏 2024-04-13 08:28:10


田万永,字慎修笔名墨缘,号馨石轩居士。男,安徽灵璧人。中共党员,人民教师、校长。中国当代杰出书画艺术家;新时代艺术领军人物;现为全国书画艺术委员会副主席;中国美术家协会会员;国家高级书法师;国家一级美术师;中国艺巡中华爱心书画院院士;华南书画院院士;南方艺术研究院士;钟馗画研究院特邀画家;灵璧田氏钟馗画传承人;中国华夏万里行书画家协会会员。田万永先生自幼酷爱书画,先后拜李百忍、谢谢、徐步达等艺术大家为师,几十年笔耕不止。作品多次参加全国各大会展并多次获奖。部分作品被多家企事业单位和国内外友人收藏。Tian Wanyong, word Shen Xiu pen name ink margin, no. Xinxin Shixuan Lay. Male, Lingbi, Anhui. A member of the Communist Party of China, a teacher and a principal. He is currently the vice-chairman of the National Committee of Calligraphy and painting, a member of the National China Artists Association Committee, a National Senior Calligrapher, a national first-class artist, and an outstanding contemporary Chinese calligrapher and painter He is a member of the South China Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, the South China Academy of Fine Arts, the invited painter of the Zhong Kui Academy of painting, the inheritor of Zhong Kui's painting by Ling Bi, and the member of the Chinese Wanli Calligraphers and Painters Association. Tian Wanyong love calligraphy and painting since childhood, has been the master of Li Bairen, thank you, Xu Buda and other arts, for decades more than pen farming. Works have participated in the national conferences and exhibitions and won many awards. Some of his works are collected by many enterprises and institutions and friends at home and abroad.艺术作品:

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