
英语翻译 2024-08-27 11:38:52


Huangmei Opera

黄梅戏是中国五大戏曲剧种之一、中国首批国家级非物质文化遗产, 被誉为“中国最美乡村音乐”。

The Huangmei Opera, one of China's five major operas, is recognized as part of the first national intangible cultural heritage. It is known as "the most beautiful country music in China".


Tianzhu Mountain or Mount Tianzhu


The Tianzhu Mountain is one of the three renowned mountains in Anhui Province. It is not onlyified as a global geopark, but also a historically significant mountain.


Six Feet Lane

六尺巷位于今天的安庆市桐城西南一隅,全长 100 米、宽 2 米,东边 有“礼让”石牌坊。

The Six Feet Lane, located in the southwest corner of Tongcheng county-level city, Anqing City, is 100 meters long and 2 meters wide. To the east of it, there are stone archways of "courtesy".

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