
秋季啦呀 2024-08-17 05:19:01
👉面试流程:电话面—superday(多轮面试,包括技术面、行为面,还有brainteaser…难度系数很高。这里也为大家准备了一道js的面试题,大家可以试着做一下哦!答案放在图中啦,大家记得先做题再看哦! 👉顺便再来感受下Jane Street的面试难度 ▶️Suppose we play a game with a die where we roll and sum our rolls. We can stop any time, and the sum is our score. However, if our sum is ever a multiple of 10, our score is zero, and our game is over. What strategy will yield the greatest expected score? What about the same game played with values other than 10? ▶️Divide a pack of cards into two piles, what is the expected value of the lowest card value on the left pile. ▶️What is the expected number of rolls of a 6 sided die to get each face at least once? What is the expected number of rolls of a 6 sided die to get each face at least twice? 👉为大家整理了Jane Street的【JS面试真题汇总+解析】!4️⃣lian获取!

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