
李李不惶恐 2025-01-27 16:07:10
[一R]More than 2,500 years ago, the Huangdi Neijing noted: when bones are aligned and tendons are soft, qi and blood flow freely. An inch of tendon growth means ten more years of life. Loose, soft, and elastic tendons can relieve or eliminate pain, numbness, swelling in the body, especially for office workers. [二R]As stated in The Taoist Theory of Health Preservation, the twelve tendon - meridians follow the same paths as the twelve meridians. Stretching tendons unblocks meridians and regulates organs. [三R]Stretching also unblocks the Governor Vessel and Bladder Meridian on the back. A clear Bladder Meridian helps expel toxins, reducing obesity, constipation, acne, and spots. 2500多年前《黄帝内经》明确记载:骨正筋柔、气血自流,筋长一寸、寿延十年。筋松软了,柔和了,有弹性了,腰膝、四肢及全身各处的痛、麻、涨等症可以缓解、消除。上班族非常需要每天拉筋。 《道家养生论》写到十二筋经的走向与十二筋络相同,拉筋还能疏通经络和调理脏腑。 拉筋可打通背部的督脉和膀胱经。膀胱经通畅,利于体内毒素排出,肥胖、便秘、粉刺、色斑等症自然缓解。 拉筋 拉伸 上班族必备 上班族养生 久坐族必备 居家锻炼 

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