
香芹看课 2025-03-04 09:22:27

One day I was listening to an English podcast.My mother suddenly asked my daughter Merry lynn a question.""Can you understand it?" "Nope.I can't fully understand it.Cause there are so many difficult words and phrases." 一天,我正在听一个英文博客,我妈妈突然问了大女儿美琳一个问题,"你能听懂吗?" "不能,不全懂。里面有很多难理解的单词和短语。" "But you've been learning English since you were a grade3 student." "但是你从小学三年级就开始学英语了啊!" "Don't make a fuss.I guess even my English comes here ,she couldn't completely get it either." "别大惊小怪,我想即使我们英语老师来了也不能完全听懂。" "Don't embarrass her anymore." I interrupted my mother. "别难为她了。"我打断了母亲。 "To comprehend this Advanced podcast,you need to master at least twenty thousand words.However she is required to know 3500 words by her English teacher in three academic years." "要理解这个高级版的播客,你得精通两万个词汇。而她的英语老师要求她三个学年只要知道3500个单词。" "There's a huge gap.So you know she has a long way to go." "差距很大。所以她还需要继续努力学习的。" I know ML is good at English.But she has to realize that. 我知道大女儿的英语很好,但是她必须意识到那点。

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