
灵动宋涵提分 2025-02-16 14:06:35
1.My fate is decided by myself,not by the heavens!我命由我不由天! 2.If fate is unjust,fight it to the end!若命运不公,就和它斗到底! 3.Who I am is up to me to decide!我是谁,我自己说了算! 4.The prejudice in people's minds is like a mountain;no matter how hard you try,you can't move it. 人心中的成见是一座大山,任你怎么努力都休想搬动。 5.I will shoulder my own destiny,and by no means do I bring trouble to others!我自己的命我自己扛,不连累别人! 6.So what if I was born a demon? So what if I'm a demon? 生而为魔,那又如何?小爷是魔,那又如何? 7.Others' opinions are nonsense! Only you define who you are! 别人的看法都是狗屁,你是谁只有你自己说了才算! 8.Defying fate is Nezha's destiny!不认命,就是哪吒的命! 9.Chances to change your destiny in life are few and far between! 一生中能改变命运的机会,可不多呀! ……

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